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Members Share Recent Accomplishments

In a new, recurring feature on our blog, members share some of their recent activities and accomplishments:

Brenda McLean, Donna O’Hara, and Julie Lamp are part of the Golden Corner Pastel Society, whose annual show opened July 21 at the Blue Ridge Arts Center in Seneca. Brenda took first place in that show.

Andrea Williams was interviewed by South Carolina Voyager. Here’s a link to that interview:

Teresa Anderson has two watercolor paintings being shown in the Watercolor Society of South Texas 53rd annual membership show. Teresa’s watercolor painting of Sailing Club - Plein Air was accepted into the South Cobb Arts Alliance Annual Juried Show located at Art at The Avenue, Marietta Ga. And her piece Mountain Lake Reflections was accepted into the 46th National Juried Exhibition of the South Carolina Watermedia Society.

Al Morris was selected to be the president of the South Carolina Watermedia Society for 2023. See And he became a Signature Artist of the SC Watermedia Society this year.

Stan O’Bannon became a Signature Member of the Georgia Watercolor Society.

Alan Smith had a painting accepted into the Georgia Watercolor Society’s member show.

Barbara Ervin is part of an exhibition by the Greenville Contemporary Print Collective called “Inked, Brushed, Rolled and Penciled: Collective Perspective: Seeing Outside the Box, Prints and Exploratory Artwork in Other Mediums” from July 11 through Aug. 27 in the Solomon Gallery in Spartanburg.

Ray Richards’ photographs are on exhibit in the Atrium Galley at the Anderson Arts Center from July 21 to Aug. 17.

Kathy Moore’s artwork is on display at the Anderson Main Library Aug. 11 to Sept. 8. This exhibit celebrates her as the winner of this year’s Art Slam at the Anderson Arts Center.

To submit information about your own artistic activities and accomplishments, email


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Anderson Artists Guild

Anderson Artists Guild

110 Federal Street | Anderson, South Carolina

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