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Two AAG Members in SCWS Show

Two Anderson Artists Guild members—Rebecca Carruth and JoAnne Anderson—are part of the 43rd Annual National Exhibition of the South Carolina Watermedia Society, which this year is completely online. The juror was portrait artist Ted Nuttall.

The show includes 71 pieces. The top three prize winners, pictured above from left to right, are Stacy Lund Levy’s Bliss ($1000 Best of Show), Mary Axelson’s Peony Exuberance ($700 Second Place), and Suzanne Acetta’s Voice of Freedom ($500 Third Place).

Rebecca Carruth’s piece, Knowing When, was among the top 30 pieces selected for the Traveling Show. She said, “It was an inspiration from moodiness. Even before COVID-19, I was stressed out for a couple of years. With the happenings of a couple of injuries, getting work done on a house to ready it for moving and getting one ready for the market was a remarkable challenge. The tale Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events comes to mind. So many decisions in how, what, why, when and who. Ravens are very adaptable, surviving life and intelligent in solving problems, industrious. They’ve actually been implicated in causing power outages. Knowing When is about making the right decisions at the right time and weathering life’s storms.”

Also part of the show is JoAnne Anderson’s The Blacksmith. She said, “What was important to me in painting The Blacksmith was getting a balance between the intensity of the fire and the man concentrating on the work. The challenge was making them both critical to the outcome of the work. By fine tuning the intensity of the colors and values in the composition, I hoped to achieve this goal.”

To view all the pieces in the show, visit All the winners can be viewed at


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Anderson Artists Guild

Anderson Artists Guild

110 Federal Street | Anderson, South Carolina

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